Desain Rumah Modern Minimalis
One example of Modern Minimalist House Design, with modern minimalist facade variations. Blending the lines and texture a bit of natural stone materials, and some striking color variations in some components seemed to sweeten the look.Requires no land that is too broad, which is important for us to be able to organize the spaces in it. so that from the area looks beautiful, and it is comfortable for the occupants in it.
Salah satu contoh Desain Rumah Modern Minimalis, dengan variasi Fasad modern minimalis. Memadukan tekstur garis-garis dan sedikit material batu alam, dan beberapa variasi warna mencolok di beberapa komponen tampak untuk mempermanis tampilan.
Tidak Memerlukan lahan yang terlalu luas, yang penting kita mampu menata ruang-ruang di dalamnya. sehingga dari luas terlihat indah, dan terasa nyaman bagi penghuni di dalamnya